Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Media Matters

Messaging through the media is a key to modern political campaigns. The Republican Party loses on almost every major issue but security. But the have mastered the art of turning elections into image instead of issue based campaigns. People who say they like Sarah Palin, no nothing about her. I have asked them repeatedly to give me one of her accomplishments as governor, and I am repeatedly met with a blank stare.
She is a reformer! Okay - how?
What is her economic plan? Does she have one?
What is her position on the middle East as a whole? Does she have one?
What is her position on national security? Does she have one?
What is her position on our trade agreements? Does she have one?
How about her position on healthcare? Does she have one?
Blank stare after blank stare followed at some point by embarrassment and the inevitable off hand derogatory comment about Obama. They have know idea why they like her and don't like Obama, but she has created the impression that she is one of them. She isn't of course, but they don't know enough to realize that. They simply don't care. The reality that they may have a president who doesn't look like them has set in and they are scared to death.
The key to winning back some of these people is removing the fear. Force feeding them information that they would not otherwise have. It should start with a viewing of this speech:


and end with a review of what Republicans have done to this country in the last 8 years. In Southwest Pennsylvania we are at a huge disavantage because the local media is so dominated by Republican talk shows and a Republican paper. So we have to resort to what we can control. Namely the conversations we have, and the internet media that we all have access to. Forward You Tube clips and articles through emails at every opportunity. It's easy and effective. It is a media we can control and make work for us.


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