Sunday, September 7, 2008

The simple mind

What the Republicans have mastered is the ability to get people who vote, but don't actually follow politics, to vote for them. My best guess is that there are still about 10% of the people casting votes that will do it just based on an image or a way of speaking. It just never occurs to them that the people they are voting for are largely responsible for the loss of their job, healthcare and pension. Some of these people have white collar jobs and college educations, but their minds are as narrow as a goat path. The problem is that these are the people that are deciding the close elections.

What the Repubs have shown to be the most effective tool is fear of foreign attack or invasion. The notion is utterly insane, 9/11 not withstanding. We will never be invaded in my lifetime, and the isolated attacks that have happened came under the watch of both Democratic and Republican presidents. They are always executed by a terrorist organization, and the sad fact is we are going to miss one every now and then, even with the best intelligence. Is this a reason to take the dumb, alcoholic politician that likes guns over the intelligent, successful politician who does not? For two straight elections tha answer has been yes. Telling people that you or your family are going to die unless you vote for a certain candidate actually works.

So is the democratic party just above this or don't they get it. I think it is the former, as most of them give people credit for being above that sort of thing. Recently I have heard Barack say that people are not going to fall for the change message offered by McCain. Well, they will when it is proceeded by a 10 minute montage of the 9/11 horrors. The Republican party is just not above anything and it works on that 10%. The democratic party is losing because they have lost this demographic of the middle class people, that they are supposed to represent. They need to figure it out before November.

Keep it simple boys: "McCain will draft your sons and send them to Iran!"
"Elect McCain and we will have another Depression!"

That's right off the top of my head. Give it a try!

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